You were Beautifully Made for Relationship.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] I read today that most Canadians consider marriage to be passé. At best, it’s a social event on a calendar designed to last as long as two people want it to. More than half of our country are not in a marriage relationship. Is it...

Have You Really Left Home?

This is an incredibly challenging time and place to find a new home – especially if you’re young. Spaces and dollars are few for many of you. It takes a reorientation of your expectations to find your roots and to dig them down so that you hold on and grow where you...

Don’t You Love It?

On the verge of Valentine’s Day the flowers are filling the shops and cards and chocolates are finding their way into grocery bags. Does giving a special gift one or two days a year make up for everything else we do or don’t do the rest of the year? Okay, I don’t live...

What if You’re Not Alone

Have you ever been certain that you were alone until you heard that noise in the darkness? Was it a creak from the house, a footstep in the hallway, a mouse in the wall? Sometimes we live our life as if we’re alone. We go through dark struggles and feel alone; we...