You were Beautifully Made for Relationship.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] I read today that most Canadians consider marriage to be passé. At best, it’s a social event on a calendar designed to last as long as two people want it to. More than half of our country are not in a marriage relationship. Is it...

Secularism and Medicine in Canada

Dr. James Dobson, in his book Fatherless, envisions a society in 2040 where current Baby Boomers are pressured into transitioning out of life so that their wealth can be passed on to the next generations; expectant mothers undergo near mandatory screening of their...


Our insurance company sent us a DVD on “Facing the Risk.” It features a section on the top ten liability risks facing Christian Charities. It also presents an overview of effective abuse prevention strategies for our organization. I mentioned yesterday that part of...


In Faith’s family we have three key values which we use as a grid to mark the kind of community we would like to see. Today, I asked a newcomer over coffee what he observed about his experience so far at the church. He said, “I’ve been to a lot of churches and it’s...


It seems obvious doesn’t it? When you are driving at night you put on your headlights? Why? So you can see where you’re going. Mission is about knowing where you are going and vision is about seeing where you are going. At Faith, our mission and vision statements are...