Don’t Read This

Once again, don’t read this if you don’t want to know how bad things are in our city. Don’t read this if you don’t want to admit how hard things are just to be human in this environment. Don’t read this if you think you are the only one struggling with sexual...

Why does God Choose the Foolish?

Growing up in today’s world, where you might get a participation ribbon for showing up and a hero’s reputation for doing anything thoughtful, it isn’t hard to start feeling like you are someone special – a cut above the average. Being somewhat, half-decently good as a...

Would Anyone Notice Us If We Left?

Have you ever had that secret fear that if you stepped away from everyone you knew that no one would really miss you? No one at work, school, family or church. Who in our neighbourhood would notice if our church stopped meeting? Do people notice us because of what we...

What if You’re Not Alone

Have you ever been certain that you were alone until you heard that noise in the darkness? Was it a creak from the house, a footstep in the hallway, a mouse in the wall? Sometimes we live our life as if we’re alone. We go through dark struggles and feel alone; we...

Are you living the right story ?

We live in a world of stories. We love to hear stories and tell stories. Our stories fill out our sense of identity, purpose, need and hope. My son Richard was home from Rwanda a month ago and he and his sisters and I were sitting around our living room sharing...