Singing Pigs

Have you ever spent a lot of time, effort and resources working on something that turned out to be a waste of time? Charles Swindoll says he has a friend who has a plaque on his wall reading: “Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the...

At Home with Suffering

“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him…” Philippians 1:29 Two weeks ago was devastating for my friend. She had lost her wallet and all her credit cards. The weight of the world was on her shoulders as...

How do you believe this?

In this age, when an avalanche of fake news through social media almost crushes us with statements and claims which stretch the limits of our ability to believe, it can be easy to dismiss the gospel claims about who Jesus was, why he lived, died and rose again....

Pull up a Plate

There’s nothing like food to bring people together. I’ve gotten closer to people over Halal chicken, Thanksgiving turkey, Sushi, Vietnamese noodle soup, tacos, ice cream sundaes, hamburgers, potatoes with peanut sauce, casseroles, and biriyani or steak dinners. Our...

In Less Than 5 seconds

If I met you for the first time, how long do you think it would take you to form an opinion about who I am and whether we could have a relationship of any kind? Duane Elmer, in his book Cross-Cultural Servanthood (p. 48), cites an American study which demonstrated...