Have you ever dreamed a dream that was so big you knew it could never happen? – but it didn’t stop you from hoping.
When the leadership at Faith Fellowship decided in 1996 that they wanted this church to reflect our community more they agreed that we should become more culturally diverse. Our small vision team in 2002 dreamed of starting a daycare, refugee houses and other significant ministries which would help us reflect the “every tribe, tongue and nation” image of Revelation 5 and 7. We decided that we “want to get a taste of heaven now.”
50 nations in one family is a dream now realized. One that needs new energy and guardianship lest we take our diversity for granted. New Hope Childcare has nurtured over 500 children and New Hope refugee homes have sheltered over 600 refugees from 60 different countries. While we gained some stimulus toward diversity from these initiatives they haven’t been the bridge we depend on for growth. Only as you share your life, faith and invitation will we see this dream grow for what God has next.
God has been gracious. But sometimes, when you see a dream come true, it comes to be the norm and we stop being amazed at what God has done, is doing, and can still do.
In Mark Batterson’s book, The Circle Maker, he describes how a couple in New York gave a generous gift toward the vision of coffee-house style churches all over because it was a “vision beyond your resources.”
Here’s what he says to stimulate our own dreams about what God can do.
“The rationale behind the gift was just as meaningful as the gift itself. And that rationale has inspired us to keep dreaming irrational dreams. Those four words, vision beyond your resources, have become a mantra for the ministry of National Community Church. We refuse to let our budget determine our vision. That left-brained approach is a wrong-brained approach because it’s based on our limited resources rather than on God’s unlimited provision. Faith is allowing your God-given vision to determine your budget. That certainly does not mean you practice poor financial stewardship, spend beyond your means, and accumulate a huge debt load. It does mean that you take a step of faith when God gives you a vision because you trust that the One who gave you the vision is going to make provision. And for the record, if the vision is from God, it will most definitely be beyond your means.” (pp. 62-62)
What is your biggest dream for our church community? What do you think God’s biggest dream for us might be? How will you pray this year as we wait for the good plans he is unleashing?