This week at Faith we talked about being wholeminded.
Wholemindedness, according to Paul in Philippians 4:4-9 happens when we align our character, confidence, contemplation and conduct. The only way alignment happens is if we live as if Jesus is near.
Our character becomes foundational when we align our character to become like Jesus’. This involves choosing joy in our circumstances and gentleness in our relationships.
Our confidence grows as we realize that Jesus is near and wanting to give us his peace in exchange for our anxieties. Through prayer, with thanksgiving, we make a deliberate choice to refuse worry because we are in Christ.
Our contemplation gets aligned with our character and our confidence when we filter our thoughts with things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. This is more than positive thinking.
Our conduct gets aligned as we put what we’ve learned into practice after following the positive models in the Christian community. Being doers and not just hearers is an essential part of Christian community.
We invite all of Faith’s family to reflect on the source of their character, confidence, contemplation and conduct to see if they are aligned with the model set by Christ and other positive Christian models.
Join us every Sunday for Truth Talks. Through August we’ll be focusing on Psalms that touch the Heart.
Remember, no matter how aligned you are, you are loved more than you could ask or imagine. Pastor Jack