When Jesus told us to go make disciples he had, as our Creator, already equipped us with a creative mind and a hunger for relationship. In our Fellowship there are numerous creative expressions of outreach. We already looked at the role WINGS (supporting women) and...
It’s no secret that while building up a church family with multi-generations is the dream of most congregations that this is more challenging than it seems. Different generations have different soul language with the music they respond to; they have different heart...
Do you remember the first few people who welcomed you at Faith? How about at your first work place or your school? Sometimes that welcome has a lasting impact on us. There is nothing like feeling welcomed. When I enter someone else’s place it makes all the difference...
There’s something about us that likes to think we’re at an age different than we are. If we’re younger we like to feel and act older. If we’re older we like to think or act younger. Maybe that’s only me and the people around me. It takes a certain level of maturity to...
Why do you get out of bed in the morning? If you work, or have worked in the past, why spend your energy and time putting out effort to accomplish anything? Who is going to remember what you did day after day, week after week, year after year? What a way to get...